I know, it sounds weird if not stupid. But...
I have been watching some stories about autistic children who at some point in their live are able to communicate and some of them even become prodigies; e.g. Jacob Barnett, Carly Fleischmann. The ones that are able to communicate have mentioned that they cover their ears, scream, rock in their place or tear their clothes off because they are overwhelmed with sensory stimulus; it's too much and it hurts. My first though on how to help them was to put them in a room with as little sensory stimulus as possible. I imagine a empty grey room (or some other "quiet" colour) with no sounds, no shapes around, etc. And start providing them with very simple stimulus so they can continue with their growth. And I say continue their growth because I believe their brain is still in a state like the rest of us is when we are in our mother's womb.
You see I believe autism is the next step in human evolution just like today human babies are completely helpless in our first year after we are born whereas the majority of mammals are able to walk and do other things right after they are born. I have seen horses and cows being born and able to walk after a few hours of being born, but it takes us 10 months or so to do so. And then there is the fontanelle; that closes at approximately 18 months of age which is believed to be an evolutionary solution to accommodate for our growing skull and brain otherwise we would not fit through our mother's birth canal. So we finish our basic development outside our mother's womb whereas other animals do it before they are born. We have already developed some technical solutions to this problem; the C-section that allow babies with larger skulls to be born that otherwise would have died stuck in the birth canal (I am one of them).
I believe that autism is waiting for a technical solution that would allow them to finish their mental development. Possibly a womb like environment with a reduced amount of sensory input. I guess we will find out just how long it takes them to finish their development. My guess is that it is around 8 years.
I can't wait to see just how much more intelligent these new humans will be. If Jake Barnett is any indication of the new level of intelligence; this new step in human evolution is going to be impressive. And that's just raw brain power but after these new humans create their own tools and technologies to expand their reach who knows what they will be able to accomplish. Yup, it's very exciting.