Sunday, October 23, 2005

David Weinber's rant

I just saw a talk from a guy called David Weinber. He talked about blogs, knowledge and the miscellaneous. Super intersting. The file is kinda big but worth your time. Which got me interested in his blog. Well actually he happens to have many blogs so he created a "table of contents" of blogs where he writes. This seems to be a topic worth my time. I will check some other sites about the subject.


Saturday, October 15, 2005

Podcasts and Vlogs

Yeah Vlogs with a V! as in Video Logs. How about that? Well here are some examples:
An interesting video log about a cambodian person that lived in the US, married and then made a trip back to her home. The last posts are about this trip to her cambodian village. Very interesting.
Some video logs from a Hawaiian girl and a Canadian guy. This is the opposite side of the coin (from my point of view) about everyday life in the developed world as opposed to the third world.

A very interesting contrast. I would say that for someone from, say US or Canada, who have never seen life in the third world. I am pretty sure they would be shocked from the "Village girl" Vlog. And someone from the third world looking at the other Vlogs would also be shocked about life in the first world.

Take a look at them and think about it.


Saturday, October 08, 2005

Happy birthday

Today somebody is having a birthday for sure.

Some music for you:

I also found another very interesting music link.

Be sure to try it out.

Best wishes